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Q: Which president does not have a building named after them?
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Which American president has miniature log toys named after him?

There was a building toy set called "Lincoln Logs"

What small wooden building blocks are named after a former President of the US?

Lincoln Logs, named after Abraham Lincoln (because he grew up in a log house).

What federal buildings are named for famous people?

William J. Clinton Building is the Environment Protection Agency's headquarters and named after former U.S. President Clinton. The George Bush Center for Intelligence is the CIA's headquarters in Langley, VA and is named after former U.S. President George Bush.

In what building does the president work?

The building that the president work in is the White House

Which president had two dogs that were named Him and Her?

The president who had dogs named Him and Her was President Lyndon Johnson.

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As of June 2014, no United States President has been named Sebastian. The first president was named George. The current president is named Barack.

What president was named from a city in Louisiana?

Monroe, Louisiana was named after a steam boat that was named after President James Monroe. (I don't think any president was named from a city in LA or elsewhere. )

Which president had a dog named Laddie Boy?

the president named george bush had a dog named laddie boy

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The president that had a turkey named jack is Abe Lincoln

Which president had a dog named veto?

President James Garfield had a dog named veto.

What building is named after Georges Pompidou?

The Pompidou that building in France

Does James Madison have any building named after him?

He had a bathroom named after him.