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In 1984, Ronald Reagan was elected with 525 electoral votes, the largest number ever won by any president ever. This was also the largest percentage of possible electoral votes ever won. However, the electoral vote system was changed in 1872, so the number of electors won by presidents elected prior to 1872 cannot be compared perfectly with the current system.

In the 1936 election, Roosevelt won re-election over the Republican candidate, Alfred M. Landon, sweeping every state except Maine and Vermont. The electoral vote was 523 for Roosevelt to 8 for Landon

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6y ago

George Washington received 100% of the electoral votes and was unanimously elected President in 1789 and 1792. In the 1820 election James Monroe was unopposed and received 231 (99.57%) of the 232 electoral votes. In the 1984 election Ronal Regan received 525 (97.58%) of the 538 electoral votes. In the 1936 election Franklin D. Roosevelt received 523 (98.49%) of the 531 electoral votes. In the 1972 election Richard Nixon received 520 (96.65%) of the 538 electoral votes. The largest percentage of popular votes were won by Lyndon Johnson 61.05% in 1964, Franklin Roosevelt 60.80% in 1936, Richard Nixon 60.67% in 1972, and Warren Harding 60.32% in 1920.

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15y ago

The correct answer is Senator Barack Obama, who received approximately 64,629,650 votes as of current tallies. This exceeds the previous all-time record (set by George W. Bush, in 2004) by about 2.6 million.

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13y ago

The record is Ronald Reagan in 1984 with 525 electoral votes. Proportionally, the record would go to George Washington who was unanimously elected with 69 electoral votes and re-elected with 132 e.v.'s in 1789 and 1792, respectively.

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15y ago

Ronald Reagan won the most electoral votes, 525 (out of 538), in 1984, winning everything except Minnesota and the District of Columbia.

Barack Obama received the most popular votes, over 65 million, in 2008. The previous record for most popular votes was held by George W. Bush, who received over 62 million votes in 2004. Prior to that the record was Ronald Reagan's 54 million in 1984.

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13y ago

With more than 99 percent of the popular vote tallied, President-elect Barack Obama has surpassed the record set by President Bush in 2004 for the most votes ever received by a U.S. presidential candidate in a single election. As of Nov. 10, he had exceeded Bush's '04 vote total by more than 3.3 million votes.

With some 124 million votes counted, Obama has 65,445,394 popular votes. In 2004, the 62,040,610 votes for President Bush broke the previous popular vote record, which had been held by President Reagan since 1984. In that election, the incumbent Reagan trounced Democratic nominee Walter Mondale in the popular vote and the Electoral College, 54,455,472 to 37,577,352 and 525-13 respectively.

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W. H. Harrison

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President barack obama

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Ronald Reagan

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George Washington received 100% of the electoral votes and was unanimously reelected President in 1792. In the 1984 election Ronal Regan received 525 (97.58%) of the 538 electoral votes and was reelected President.

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Incumbent President Franklin D. Roosevelt won reelection in the 1936 presidential election defeating Alfred Landon. In the 1936 presidential election Franklin Roosevelt received 523 electoral votes and Alfred Landon received 8 electoral votes. Incumbent President Ronald Reagan won reelection in the 1984 presidential election defeating Walter Mondale. In the 1984 election Ronald Reagan received 525 (97.58%) of the 538 electoral votes. Walter Mondale received 10 electoral votes from his home state of Minnesota and 3 electoral votes from the District of Columbia.

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