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Q: Which section in Article 2 talks about president moves to have former aide freed?
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What does former aide freed mean?

"Former aide freed" likely means that a former employee or assistant who was previously incarcerated or detained has been released or set free from custody.

Former slaves are freed with this amendment?


Which President freed slaves?

Abraham Lincoln freed the slavery

What two African nations were founded as refugees for former slaves?

The Republic of Liberia is the only country founded for freed slaves. Sierra Leone began offering former slaves shelter in 1792, but the country was not founded for freed slaves.

What US President freed his slaves when he died?

The US President who freed his slaves when he died was President George Washington. In his will, he stipulated that his slaves be freed upon his wife's death, which occurred after his own passing.

What led to general Sherman's order 40 acres and a mule for former slaves?

When lands confiscated from the former Confederates were returned back to them by administration of President Andrew Johnson, freed slaves that had been given 40 acres of farmland were evicted.

What led to general Sherman's order of 40 acres and a mule for former slaves?

When lands confiscated from the former Confederates were returned back to them by administration of President Andrew Johnson, freed slaves that had been given 40 acres of farmland were evicted.

What led up to general sherman's order of 40 acres and a mule for former slaves-?

Freed slaves followed the march of Sherman's army through Georgia.

What were the major contributions and accomplishments of Benjamin Franklin?

he invented electricity, freed Pennsylvania, and wrote the first news article.

What led up to general Sherman's order 40 acres and a mule for former slaves?

When lands confiscated from the former Confederates were returned back to them by administration of President Andrew Johnson, freed slaves that had been given 40 acres of farmland were evicted.

What led up to general Sherman's order of 40 acres and a mule of former slaves?

When lands confiscated from the former Confederates were returned back to them by administration of President Andrew Johnson, freed slaves that had been given 40 acres of farmland were evicted.