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Both have just as much to lose.

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Q: Which sex has more to lose from adultery?
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Related questions

Is same-sex sexual activity considered to be adultery in all 50 states?

No, same-sex sexual activity is not considered adultery in all 50 states. Adultery typically refers to sexual activity between a married person and someone other than their spouse. Same-sex sexual activity may be legally recognized and protected in many states, so it would not be considered adultery in those jurisdictions. However, laws regarding adultery vary from state to state.

Is it considered adultery or what when find womens pH?

It is only adultery when a married person has sex with another person. Talking on the phone or having the phone number of another person of the opposite sex does not count.

Adultery and the Torah?

According to the Torah, adultery is specifically when a married Jewish woman has sex with a Jewish man other than her husband.

Is cybersex cheating?

Yes. Emotional adultery precedes physical sex.

Is Adultery illegal in Oklahoma?

Adultery in the state of Oklahoma is unlawful sexual intercourse with someone of the opposite sex while you are married. This is grounds for divorce in Oklahoma.

Discuss the meaning of Adultery John?

Adultery: Having sex with a other than the person that you are married to at the time. Also refered to as being "Unfaithfull" or "Cheating"

Is it considered adultery if my spouse and I have lived apart for over a year?

I assume you are speaking of extramarital sex. Adultery occurs when a married person has sexual relations with a person who is not their spouse. You are married until you obtain a divorce.I assume you are speaking of extramarital sex. Adultery occurs when a married person has sexual relations with a person who is not their spouse. You are married until you obtain a divorce.I assume you are speaking of extramarital sex. Adultery occurs when a married person has sexual relations with a person who is not their spouse. You are married until you obtain a divorce.I assume you are speaking of extramarital sex. Adultery occurs when a married person has sexual relations with a person who is not their spouse. You are married until you obtain a divorce.

What exercise you more common on losing weight jogging or walking?

Jogging, but you lose more by having sex

How can you lose weight off your belly but not lose your breasts by the way if you are 14?

Have sex 3 times or more a day, it is the best form of excerice :)

What does the word adultery mean?

It's when someone married has sex with someone other than their spouse.

What is the statute of limitations on adultery in Tobago?

whats adultery? you need to use more terms that we understand

What did adultery mean in the ten commandments?

A:In the context of early Judaism, adultery had a rather different and narrower meaning to the term today. It meant sexual relations with another Jew's wife. A man could have sex with a single girl without committing adultery, or even take a second wife. There was also no prohibition against sex with a married woman outside of Judaism. Today, the term 'adultery' applies equally when a married man or a married woman has sex with someone who is not his or her spouse, and the seventh Commandment is considered to apply.