Place a bill on the legislative calendar, limit time for debate, and determine the type of amendments allowed.
Economy, type of government, and the type of person that is being corrupted. Feel free to add to this if you like.
Lycurgus is considered the most important lawmaker of the ancient Greek nation of Sparta. The type of government evolving from those laws was that of a Kingdom, ruled by one or two kings and an elite counsel of so-called 'Spartiates'. The other free Spartians had no political rights, only military obligations. Economically speaking, Sparta was kept afloat by slave labour.
The time it takes for immigrant documents to be processed varies widely. Factors that influence the time may include the part of the U.S. where the application is filed and the type of immigration status being sought.
what type of contract do both parties have the option to avoid their contractual obligations what type of contract do both parties have the option to avoid their contractual obligations
Appropriation art is often found to be crossing the thin, invisible, and moving line into copyright infringement. Many examples are at the link below.
Type your answer here... name three obligations of a person names on a driver's licence
The only limit is stated in the legal document describing this type of support . I am NOT a lawyer, but have had someone try to put a time limit for my childrens' medical reimbursements in NY. Never upheld legally!
No, there is no limit.(See the Related question.)