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because one house might act as a check on the other

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Hmmm. Let's see now. I am sure it is Large-plan. :D Of course, you might want to check.

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Q: Which type of government did the framers of the Constitution favor?
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What type of people were the framers of the constitution?

The framers of the US Constitution were very educated and knowledgeable individuals. They included entrepreneurs, lawyers, and inventors. Many of the framers went on to hold seats within the government that they started.

American Socialists tend to favor what type of government?

American Socialists tend to favor an expanded role for government.

Did the Framers of the Constitution believe it was the greatest achievement of mankind or the best they could do under the circumstances?

One view in particular was expressed by Founding Father Benjamin Franklin. When asked by a citizen what type of government the Framers had created, his answer was: A republic, if you can keep it".

What type of government did the constitution?


What was written with the purpose of persuading Americans in favor of the Constitution?

Type your answer here... The Federalist Papers

What type of government did Colonial New Jersey have And who were the leaders signers of the Constitution And what type of government did it have And Charters?

Constitution if monarchy.. I think it's the answer though

What kind of system did the Framers of the Constitution establish How does the legislative branch Congress reflect this type of system?

The Founders established a Constitutional Republic.

What type of government do not have constitution?

An absolute monarchy.

What system of government did the US Constitution set up?

Ben Franklin was asked by a woman "What type of government do we have?" as he left the ratification of the Constitution. His reply was "A Republic Ma'am ... if you can keep it!" Upon it's ratification, the Constitution of the United States of America established the United States as a Constitutional Republic. Despite popular belief and what many people may believe, the United States is not now and never was a Democracy.

What type of government did the constitution establish for the united staes?

A nice government

What type of government did the constitution establish for the unite state?

The Constitution establish a federal system of government for the United States.

What type of government did America favor first?

The Illuminati/New World Order/1 World Government!