There is no universal sales tax rate in America - each state, county and city applies their own sales tax. See 'Sources and related links' below for each rate.
Civil War
A primary way state governments tax consumers is with a sales tax. Vendors don't pay this tax on the goods they sell but they collect it from customers. They also use income tax and property tax but these are not consumption taxes
sales tax!
The United States has a progressive tax method. This means that the more your earn to more tax percentage of your income you pay. This is a dangerous type of taxation in that we are approaching a time when almost 50% of the population pay no income taxes at all.
West Virginia
In 1921, West Virginia became the first US state to enact a sales tax. Georgia passed legislation enacting a sales tax in 1929. 11 other states enacted sales taxes in 1933 alone. By 1940, at least 30 states had a sales tax
Depends state-to-state, on whether or not they enact a sales tax. They are required to collect sales tax by law.
West Virginia
In 1921, West Virginia became the first US state to enact a sales tax. Georgia passed legislation enacting a sales tax in 1929. 11 other states enacted sales taxes in 1933 alone. By 1940, at least 30 states had a sales tax. Currently, 45 of the 50 U.S. states levy a sales and use tax against purchases. Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire, and Oregon are the exceptions.see link for more information
The first state sales tax in the United States went into effect on July 1, 1921 in the state of West Virginia.
Alaska does not have a State sales tax; however, several communities across the state do have a sales tax. These taxes are low - about 2%.
The state of Alaska does not have state inome tax - it is a sales tax state only.
There is no sales tax in the state of Oregon.
Typically sales tax is paid at the point of sale, hence the name. But depending on the state there are exceptions. If you buy goods from outside the state, and do not pay sales tax (internet sales!), you need to remit sales tax to your state. Most of the state income tax forms have a method provided for paying sales tax along with the state income tax.
New York
Maryland's state sales tax is 6 percent