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The president appoints the supreme court justices

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The President of United States of America

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Q: Who appoints the supreme court justices?
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Related questions

What branch appointed Supreme Court Justices?

Supreme Justices are nominated by the Senate.Then, the President appoints the justices. Therefore,the executive branch appoints supreme court justices

How do supreme court justices get into the supreme court?

The president appoints them when there is a opening.

What appoints Supreme Court Justices?

the president

Who appoints the supreme court justices and who must approve them?

The Supreme Court Justices are appointed by The President & confirmed by The Senate.

Who appoints Supreme Court Justices?

The President

Who has the power to appoint a new supreme court justice?

The President appoints new supreme court justices.

Who appoints supreme court justices and other federal judges?


Who nominates judges to supreme court?

The President appoints Justices (they aren't called judges, if you wish to be precise) for the Supreme Court.

Which person in the executed branch has the power to appoint justices to the Supreme Court?

No one directly appoints Supreme Court Justices. The president nominates candidates, and the senate accepts or rejects the nominees. So the president indirectly appoints justices, pending senate approval.

Does the Judicial branch appoint judges to the supreme court?

No. The Executive Branch appoints US Supreme Court justices with the approval of the Senate.

How are the justices of the state Supreme Court selected?

Some states allow voters to elect their justices, and in some states the governor appoints the justices. A+

Who appoints ambassadors Supreme Court justices federal court judges and cabinet members?

The President of the United States.