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If no one receives a majority vote, the desicion goes to the House of Representatives.

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Q: Who becomes president when nobody receive majority vote?
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sinor citizen

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No. The Senate never chooses the President. The House of Representatives does, if the nobody win a majority in the electoral college. (See the related question.)

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If nobody receives a majority of the electoral votes, the US Senate elects a vice-president from among the three highest candidates.

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president-elect is what you would call such a person, assuming they received a majority of the electoral vote. If nobody has an majority, I can not think of any special name for the person who received the plurality.

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When does the US House have the power to choose the president?

Yes. Evidence: "The House also has the important duty of selecting a president if no candidate has a majority in the Electoral College." Source: Our Federal and State Constitutions P.S. Hope this helped!

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I have been denied what I think is my right to vote for which democratic candidate would best fill the role as President, should either of them be elected. I consider this denial a blockade or "funneling" of the popular vote in order to cut corners in the election process. This seems to be against the grain of democracy, especially for those of us who'd like to vote for the issues and not go by straight-party means.