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Anyone can interpret the Constitution; however, the courts determine whether laws, executive orders, treaties and policies are in keeping with the principles of the Constitution, and have the ability to nullify and render unenforceable any that are not. The Supreme Court is the ultimate authority on Constitutional law.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

In many republican democratic systems of government, like that of the United States, the power to interpret the constitution is vested in the judiciary. The Supreme Court as the highest court of the land decides with finality any justiciable controversy brought before it or the courts a quo for adjudication.

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The United States is a Constitutional Republic and NOT a representative democracy. Many people incorrectly refer to our system of government as a democracy. It is not. A democracy is akin to two wolves and a lamb deciding what to have for dinner. It is our Constitution that protects the minority from the tyranny of the majority.

"We the people' have the sole power to interpret the Constitution. When you hear about the Supreme Court deciding a case on Constitutional issues, they are interpreting a law written by the legislative branch to determine if it infringes upon or conflicts with the Constitution. In order to do so, they must determine (interpret) the intent of the Constitution.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

The US Supreme Court, head of the Judicial Branch of government, is the ultimate authority on the interpretation the Constitution.

The courts are vested with the authority to interpret laws and ensure they adhere to the spirit and letter of the Constitution, as explained in Articles III and VI. This necessitates interpreting the meaning of the Constitution, as well. The courts are also responsible for determining how a laws are interpreted and applied. The Supreme Court, as the highest appellate court in the nation, is the final authority on the Constitution.

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βˆ™ 4y ago

The Supreme Court decides if a law fits the meaning of the Constitution.

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Q: Who can interpret the Constitution?
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Interpretation is left up to the Supreme Court and other lower courts. Agencies have no authority to interpret the Constitution.

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There is no interpretation in the Constitution. It is timeless, and was intended to be upheld as long as America stands.

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