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Q: Who did president Washington sent to negotiate a treaty with the British?
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President Washington sent Chief Justice John Jay to London to negotiate a treaty with England. Jay was responsible for the negotiating the Treaty of London, also called Jay's Treaty, in 1794.The terms angered many Americans, who thought the British were given more favorable terms than was reasonable, but historians believe it helped avert a second war with England.

What did Washington send john jay to Britain to negotiate for?

Jay's Treaty

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George Washington

Which president helped negotiate the Treaty of Versailles to end World War 1?

Woodrow Wilson

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No treaty by ANY president is valid without the consent of the Legislature.

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The united states involved in the Russo-Japanese war where President Roosevelt helped negotiate peace.

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peace treaty

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Woodrow Wilson went to Europe to negotiate a settlement treaty after WW I ended,

What area did president Jefferson authorized Robert Livingston and James Monroe to negotiate a deal with the French to purchase?

The president has the Constitutional power to negotiate treaties . It is not clear that a treaty that buys land is within his powers but Jefferson did it anyway and the Senate approved the purchase treaty after much debate.

Who was the president during the treaty of Greenville?

James Madison was president of the U.S. during the Treaty of Ghent. He served from 1809 to 1817 and the treaty was ratified by the U.S. in 1815.

How did John Adams affect the history of the US?

John Adams affected US history by being one of America's Founding Fathers. He also was the first US vice president and the US's second president after George Washington. Some of his impacts were:1. Wrote resolutions opposing the British Stamp Act; 2. Drafted most of the Massachusetts state constitution; and 3. Helped negotiate the peace treaty, The Treaty of Paris, that finalized the end of the American Revolutionary War.

Who signed the treats of Paris in 1783?

british general Cornwallis. After the war, George Washington wanted to retire and live alone.. but was soon elected president sooon after the treaty was signed