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Q: Who did the signers of the Mayflower Compact pledge their loyalty to?
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Was the mayflower compact a pledge to colonies?

"The Mayflower Compact, signed by 41 English colonists on the ship Mayflower on November 11, 1620, was the first written framework of government established in what is now the United States. The compact was drafted to prevent disagreements/differences of opinion amongst Puritans and non-separatist Pilgrims who had landed at Plymouth a few days earlier." (from It wasn't a pledge, but a framework for the early government.

What are the 3 things the Mayflower Compact pledge to do?

It pledged allegiance to the English king but established a form of government by the will of the majority.

Why was the Mayflower Compact created?

to bind the group into a political body and pledge member to abide by any laws that would be established

Who was affected by The Mayflower Compact?

The Mayflower Compact was a pledge of behavior that the people who sailed to the New World agreed upon. These people were called pilgrims and landed faraway from their designated place in North America. The Compact contained religious oaths and rules to guide the behavior of the pilgrims to avoid conflicts.

What do you pledge loyalty to when you say pledge of allegiance?


What do the signers pledge to do at the end of the declaration of independence?

Die for what they believe in.

What did the signers pledge to do at the end of the declaration of independence?

Die for what they believe in.

What do we show loyalty to when we say pledge of allegiance?

The US Pledge of Allegiance is meant to show loyalty to the flag and "to the Republic for which it stands" which is the United States of America.

What do Americans pledge loyalty to when saying the pledge of allegiance?


What do we show loyalty to when we say the Pledge of?

Your country.

What do we show loyalty to when we say the pledge of allegince?

Your country.

What is the promise of loyalty in the us call?

"the Pledge of Allegiance"