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Delegates don't make speeches they listen to them. The party decides who gets to speak.

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Q: Who gave more speeches during the convention than any other delegate?
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During the nomination process political battles are most likely to occur in what forum?

The modern nomination process includes several primary elections and the nomination is usually wrapped up before the convention. The candidates campaign for these elections by making speeches, making statements to the press and sometimes by a debate with the other candidates. Everything they say of note is reported to the nation, so their differences become public knowledge. Of course, if the nomination is still open at the convention, there would be major battles there, mostly behind the scenes.

How did the delegates to the Constitutional Convention resolve tensions?

They prayed and all together, especially when days passed and the task at hand had not been achieved. When they started to get on edge with each other, they realized they needed divine intervention. The records show they prayed during the first Contitutional Convention.

Where was the Constitutional Convention held in 2010?

There was no constitutional convention in 2010 or at any other time since the US Constitution was ratified.

When did the Constitutional Convention begin?

The Constitutional Convention began on May 25, 1787. It ended on September 17.James Madison and other 56 delegates to the Constitutional Convention met in Philadelphia in May 1787.

When did constitution convention begin?

The Constitutional Convention began on May 25, 1787. It ended on September 17.James Madison and other 56 delegates to the Constitutional Convention met in Philadelphia in May 1787.

Related questions

Who gave more speeches during the convention than any other delegate how many?

Delegates don't make speeches they listen to them. The party decides who gets to speak.

How did delegates vote on the constitutional convention?

Voting on all issues was by state with each state delegation having one vote. Votes within each delegation was by majority vote of the delegation. Motions were made by any individual delegate but required a second by another delegate from any other state delegation other than that of the originating delegate.

What does a state delegate has to do?

A state delegate is typically responsible for representing their constituents at the state level by attending legislative sessions, voting on bills, and advocating for policies that align with their constituents' interests. They may also work on committees, collaborate with other lawmakers, and communicate with their constituents to gather feedback and address concerns.

Who votes at a caucus?

Voters who have registered a political party affiliation in a district (closed caucus) or Any Registered Voter in a district (open caucus) may vote for the 15 delegates and alternates from that district that will proceed to the state convention. In a private meeting, members of political parties (ie: Democrats, Republicans, etc.) select representatives for a nominating convention through speeches, discussions and meetings. -Or- "a private meeting of members of a political party to plan action or to select delegates for a nominating convention." On the other hand, during a primary you simply cast your vote. A primary does not include meetings or speeches like a caucus does.

Definishion of delegate?

When a government, organization, or other group sends a person to an event or meeting to represent them, this person might be referred to as a delegate. Other words for delegate are envoy, agent, and emissary.

Which state walked out of the Constitutional Convention?

Only the state of Rhode Island (State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations) refused to send a delegate to the Philadelphia Convention (later called the Constitutional Convention) because they believed the Convention was really a conspiracy to overthrow the established government. Patrick Henry would have been a delegate from Rhode Island, if they'd chosen to participate. Of the 74 delegates invited, 55 actually attended. A few of the nation's most prominent leaders, such as Thomas Jefferson and John Jay, were absent because they were on diplomatic missions in Europe.

Who was the New York delegate to the constitutional convention?

Alexander Hamilton was the only New York delegate to stay the entire length of the convention. The other 2 delegates, John Lansing and Robert Yates, were anti-Federalists from the get go and chosen to nullify any vote that Alexander Hamilton put out (as he was an ardent Federalist). They ended up leaving, and that left Hamilton as the only New York delegate. Since he was the only delegate from his state, he did not get a vote because there had to be 2. However, he still had a voice and he still signed the Constitution, and later wrote a good chunk of the 85 essays that make up the Federalist Papers.

What do the first three successors to the presidency have in common that is different than all of the other successors?

They were elected by congress and not voters. Jefferson and Adams worked on the Declaration of Independence and both of them were in France to get help for the revolution. Washington was president of the constitutional convention and Adams was a delegate to the convention. All three were involved in some way in the Revolution.

What rules did the delegates adopt for the convention?

1. Delegates from at least seven states had to be present for he convention to do business that day. 2. If a delegate's absence would leave a state without representation, then he had to get permission to be absent. 3. When rising to speak, a delegate had to address the president. While he was speaking, other members could not pass notes, hold conversations with one another, or read a book, pamphlet, or paper. 4. A member was not allowed to speak more than twice on the same question. He could not speak the second time until every other member had a first opportunity to speak on the subject. 5. Committees could be appointed as necessary 6. Any decision made by the convention was subject to reconsideration and change. No decision had to be final until the entire plan was completed. 7. The convention's proceedings were to remain secret. No delegate could disclose the substance of the debates, although they were allowed to take notes.

James A. Garfield was the first President to campaign bilingually What language other than English did he use during campaign speeches?


When does a speech become public domain?

The Berne Convention identifies speeches, sermons, and lectures as literary works, which are protected for the life of the author plus 50 years (the US and some other countries have extended this to 70 years). However, the next article of the treaty states that each country can decide whether to protect political speeches by copyright or not.

During the nomination process political battles are most likely to occur in what forum?

The modern nomination process includes several primary elections and the nomination is usually wrapped up before the convention. The candidates campaign for these elections by making speeches, making statements to the press and sometimes by a debate with the other candidates. Everything they say of note is reported to the nation, so their differences become public knowledge. Of course, if the nomination is still open at the convention, there would be major battles there, mostly behind the scenes.