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George Clymer was delegate of the Constitution and was delegate fro Pennsilvania! he took a fedarlists positions and helped with topics such as...war,politics, and laws

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Q: Who is George Clymer and what were his attitudes and feelings towards the issues discussed at the Constitutional Convention?
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There is a direct relationship between attitudes and behavior. Attitudes are how someone feels about something and behavior is how they act on those feelings.

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Peoples feelings and attitudes about an area define what kind of region?

People's feelings and attitudes about an area help shape its cultural region. The collective perceptions and experiences of residents and visitors influence how a place is perceived and the identity it holds within a larger geographic context. This emotional and social relationship with a location can define the essence of a region beyond just its physical boundaries.

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The expression of a writer's attitude toward a subject is called tone. Tone encompasses the writer's feelings, attitudes, and perspective towards the topic being discussed, influencing the overall mood and message conveyed in the writing.

What type of region is defined by people feelings and attitudes?

A perceptual region is defined by people's feelings and attitudes towards a particular area. This type of region is not based on strict physical boundaries but rather on how individuals perceive and interact with the space.

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thoughts and feelings

What are two ideas or attitudes of the romantic movement that reflects the ideas of nationalism?

thoughts and feelings

What is a reflexive attitude?

A reflexive attitude refers to a situation where people have attitudes that are inherently biased. They attitudes of such people are reflected in their work, and they lack a sound backing for their feelings.

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persuasion may be defined as an effort to influence the attitudes , feelings, or beliefs of others, or to influence actions based on those attitude,feelings or beliefs.

What is the name for a region that is reflective of human feelings and attitudes?

The term "emotional landscape" is commonly used to describe a region or area that reflects human feelings and attitudes. This concept refers to how emotions and personal experiences can influence one's perception and interpretation of a particular place.