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by what the government says

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the constitutional court i think

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Q: Who makes laws for the country colombia?
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Who makes laws laws?

The legal government of a country makes the laws of that country. In the United States, it would be Congress.

Who makes the laws in Chad?

the head of the country does:)

Who makes the laws of china?

The leader of the country.

How are laws passed in Cuba?

Cuba is a communist country, so there is no process to make laws. The head of a communist country makes the laws.

Who makes the country laws?

In the US, the legislature (House and Senate) make laws.

Who makes the laws in the Netherlands?

In every country Legislative body of the country makes the law and the judiciary interpreters it.

Is Panama in Colombia?

Panama is a country. Colombia is a country. They are different countries.

The Isthmus of Panama originally belonged to which country?

the country that owned panama is Nicaragua

Is British colombia colombia?

British "ColUmbia"is in Canada ColOmbia the country is a country with NOOOO association to Britain/British etc..

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What is the continet of Colombia?

Colombia is a country in South America.

What level of government makes laws for the whole country?
