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Ulises Murazik

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2y ago
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8y ago

Amendments are ratified by the method established in the document being amended, or by existing laws.

Amendments to the US Constitution are usually ratified by state legislatures, with approval by at least 3/4 of the states required for ratification. The 2ist Amendment was ratified by state conventions called for that purpose, rather than the legislatures.

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7y ago

3/4 of the states must ratify an amendment before it becomes part of the Constitution.


Amendments to the Constitution must pass a two-thirds super majority vote of both the House of Representatives and the Senate before being released to the states for review. In order for an Amendment to be adopted, it must be ratified by 3/4 of the states within the time frame allotted by Congress (seven years is typical).

In all but one case, amendments were submitted to individual state legislatures for approval. The 21st Amendment (1933) called for special conventions within each state, to be called by a method set by each state, which would approve or reject the amendment. It was declared ratified when 36 states had approved and only 1 rejected. 2 other states voted to ratify, and 1 voted not to convene a convention.

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14y ago

Assuming no constitutional convention has been called, both houses of Congress must pass an amendment by a two thirds majority to propose an amendment to the states. Amendments become active ("passed") when three fourths of the states have approved the amendment. Check out Article V of the Constitution.

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11y ago

the president has some power over this but mostly the states approve the amendments. they have to agree to the new amendment before it can be put into action.

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11y ago

The states must ratify all amendments to the Constitution, either through the state legislatures or by conventions called for the specific purpose.

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Your question is very confused. Amendments are ratified, they do not ratify.

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A simple majority of the state legislature suffices to ratify an amendment. However, 3/4 of the state legislatures must ratify it, in order to add it to the constitution.

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How many states were needed to ratify the constitution and why?

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