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Manuel L. Quezon

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Manuel L. Quezon

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Q: Who said your loyalty to your party ends when loyalty to your country begins?
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Your loyalty to your party ends where your loyalty to your country begins?

This saying is applied to political parties. It means that it is your job to serve your country before you serve the party you belong to.

What are the famous lines of the presidents of the Philippines and heroes?

Manuel L. Quezon "My loyalty to my party ends when my loyalty to my country begins.

What country begins with N and ends with N?

No country begins with N and ends with N.

What country begins with y and ends with i?

There is no country that begins with "y" and ends with "i." There is no country that begins with "y" and ends with "u," either. Currently, the only country in the world that begins with "y" is Yemen. Yugoslavia is now called Serbia & Montenegro.

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What is a country that begins with U and ends with H?

There are none.

Country that begins with N and ends with R?


What country begins with D and ends with T?

None do so.

What country begins with A and ends with T with 5 letters in between?

There is no such country. There is no country that starts with A and ends with T, let alone a 7-lettered one.

What coutry did bowling orgin from?

America invented bowling. The Dutch brought the game of 9 pins to America. The New York legislature outlawed the game of 9 pins. A group of New Yorkers added a 10th pin and called it bowling. That way they were not playing 9 pins.

Which countries start with d and end with e?

No country begins with d and ends with e.

What begins with i and ends with you?

The word impromptu begins with i and ends with u.