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Catherine (Katy) Ferguson (? -1854) was the child of slaves and her mother was taken away from her when she was eight. Also, Catherine later married but lost her two children as infants. In 1793, Katy began holding a Sunday school for local children in her home -- New York City's first Sunday school program. Soon, her Murray Street Sabbath School thrived in in a local pastor's basemen, where Katy had moved her Sunday school to for more space. All in all, Katy cared for a total of 48 children, including 20 whites, from impoverished families and helped place them in good homes that could better meet their needs.

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Catherine Ferguson.

look her up in Homespun Heroes which is a book about African American women who have not been widely known for their accomplishments.

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Q: Who started New York City's first Sunday school?
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