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hopefully only the speaker. Otherwise it would be very painful for the speaker. All of the members of the house vote for the speaker

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Q: Who votes in the speaker of the house?
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How is speaker of the house elected?

The Speaker of the House is elected by the members of the House of Representatives. Before the vote each party chooses their candidate. The majority party's candidate will then win the election (assuming his or her party's representatives vote according to the party's decision).

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He stays Speaker of the House. The V.P. becomes President. I'm pretty sure that he chooses a new V.P. and Congress votes on it (Ammendment 25)

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The Speaker of the House of Commons oversees all proceedings that occur in the House of Commons. If the Speaker is not present, one of his deputies will be in control of the House's debates and votes.

Speaker of the house?

The current Speaker of the House is Paul Ryan and expected to keep his office for the next term. The Speaker of the House for the US House of Representatives is chosen by its members. A new Speaker of the House is chosen from each party's nominees on the first day of every new Congress.

How is the speaker of the house selected?

During the first day of a new congress (i.e. 2009/2011/2013 etc) an election takes place in which each party nominates a member to be speaker of the house. The party with the majority of the votes has their candidate take the role of speaker of the house.

How does the speaker of the house lose their position?

The speaker is elected by the House, Since everybody votes by party lines, the speaker loses his job if his party loses its majority. It is also possible that someone within the party could challenge the speaker strongly enough to get him to retire lest he be defeated in a election.

How does the House choose a Speaker?

In modern practice, the Speaker is chosen by the majority party from among its senior leaders (but only when a vacancy in the office arrives, or when the majority party changes). The House of Representatives elects the Speaker of the House on the first day of every new Congress. Each party nominates a candidate, and whoever receives a simple majority of the votes is elected.

How is the presiding officer of the House chosen?

The Speaker of the House of Representatives is chosen on the first day of every new two-year term. The candidate must win a majority of the votes cast.

What percentage of votes needed to pass a bill in the house of representatives Australia?

A simple majority is needed, in the event of a tie the speaker will vote to break the deadlock.

What is the title for the person who is the leader for the house of representatives?

They are called the "Speaker of the House".

The presiding officer of the house of Representatives is the?

He or she is called the Speaker of the House.

What is the leading position in the House of Representative?

The Speaker of the House. When the democrats were in the majority, Nancy Pelosi was Speaker. The House is currently under republican control and John Boehner occupies the Speakers chair.