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White men over 21 who owned land and were members of the church.

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Q: Who was allowed to vote in colony Virginia?
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Who was allowed in vote colony of Virginia?

White men were the only ones allowed to vote in the colony of Virginia. They also were required to own property.

Who was allowed in vote in the colony of Virginia?

any man or women no matter what race you are.

Where the woman of Plymouth colony allowed to vote?

No they were not.

Who allowed in votes in the colony of Virginia?


Which colony allowed women to vote in the 1899 referendum?

black people colony

Where could woman vote before they were allowed to vote in Virginia?

They couldn't vote until 1920.

Who was allowed to vote in Massachusetts Bay Colony?

Men from their homeland

What colony gave women the right to vote then took it away?


What crop allowed the early English colony of Virginia to become profitable and survive?

Tobacco farming made the English colony of Virginia profitable

What happened that allowed the Virginia colony to flourish?

started farming tobacco

What was the elect in the New England colony?

Certain men who were involved with the church that were allowed to vote.

Could women vote in the Virginia Colony in 1612?

The answer is no because women had no rights during that time.