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Mohandas karamchand Gandhi was assassinated by Naathuram Godse on 30th January 1948.

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Q: Who was assassinated in 1948?
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Assassinated in India in 1948?

The Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated in India in 1948

Who assassinated Gandhi?

He was assassinated by Nathuram Godse on January 30, 1948

When was Gandhi?

He was not executed; he was assassinated in 1948.

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Which famous man who fought for Indian independence was assassinated in 1948?

Mahatma Gandhi was the man who was assassinated (shot) in 1948 for Indian Indepencence against the British (New England) colonies.

Was Gandhi assassinated on the way back from the salt march?

No, he was assassinated on his way to his prayer meeting on January 30, 1948.

When did mahatma gandhi died?

Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated on January 30, 1948.

Who was the Indian leader assassinated in 1948?

Perhaps you have Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi or Mahatma Gandhi in mind, but Gandhi was not only a leader of hindus. He was a leader to the whole of India, for hindus, muslims, sikhs, christians, as well as others. He was assassinated on 30th January, 1948.

Is Muhatma Gandhi dead?

Yes. On 30 January 1948, he was assassinated.

What day did Mohandas Gandhi die?

He was assassinated on January 30, 1948.

Who is a non violent leader in India assassinated in 1948?

Mr.M.K. Gandhi

What year was Indira Gandhi of India murdered?

she was assassinated in 1988 by her two Sikh bodyguards