her maiden name was Elizabeth Kortright but she took her husbands last name and became Elizabeth Monroe and btw you mean James Monroe
His wife was Mary Oglethorpe.
15th president JAMES BUCHANAN
His wife's name was Elisabeth.
I think it was Dolly Madison.
Jefferson, Jackson, Van Buren, Buchanan and Chester Arthur served their entire time as president without a wife. Tyler, Cleveland, Benjamin Harrison and Wilson served parts of their terms without a wife in the White House.
He is in my lunarfall inn in the garisson when he is supposed to be dead....
Marilyn Monroe's father's name was Martin Edward Mortensen
There is no public record or information readily available suggesting that James Crooks had a wife.
James doesn't have a wife
James Arness' wife's name is Janet.
Lady Ann Ross was James Clark Ross's wife.
Its Daniel James wife.
Maria Jane Tyler was James Hudson Taylor's wife.
James E. Casey's wife was Lillian C. Purcell.
John James Audubon's wife's name was Lucy Bakewell Audubon.
James Patterson's wife, Susan, is of a similar age to him. Both were born in the mid-20th century, with Susan being a few years younger than James.
No, James Patterson did not kill his wife. James Patterson is a popular American author known for his suspense and thriller novels.