=James Polk=
Andrew Jackson was known as "Old Hickory."
The sixth President of the United States of America, Andrew Jackson, had the nickname "old hickory", which was given to him because of his toughness and aggressive personality.
Andrew Jackson
James Polk was the eleventh president of the United States. He had two nicknames, Napoleon of the Stump and Old Hickory.
Andrew Jackson is known as Old Hickory.
He was given this nickname in honor of Andrew Jackson, who was known as Old Hickory. The full nickname was Young Hickory of the Granite Hills, which is where he lived. He was a member of Jackson's party and was young. Other than that, the name was mostly a campaign slogan.
Young Hickory (after Andrew Jackson who was Old Hickory) and The Dark Horse Candidate.
Deer, squirrels, and certain beetle species are known to feed on hickory trees. These animals may eat the leaves, bark, nuts, or young shoots of the tree.
Young Hickory was his nickname.
=James Polk=
"Old Hickory " was a nickname of Andrew Jackson. Like Jackson, Polk was from Tennessee and Polk was sort of a protege of Jackson-- Jackson supported Polk.
Andrew Jackson was known as "Old Hickory."
James K Polk
Andrew Jackson was the president who's nickname was Old Hickory.
Andrew Jackson was known as Old Hickory. He got the name "Old Hickory" from the troops he led in the war of 1812. They said he was tough as hickory, a wood which was known to be very strong and preferred for axe-handles and such. His cupporters used it in his politcal campaigns.President Andrew Jackson.
Taylor was known as "Old Rough and Ready". Andrew Jackson was known as "Old Hickory". Both were tough soldiers .