king Henry 3 corwillis
what are some important people that fought in the battle of Yorktown?
1. King Henry III- He was the king at the time.
2. Lord Charles Cornwallis- Commander of the Great Britain's side of the battle of Yorktown.
3. George Washington- Commander of The U.S Colonies side of the battle of Yorktown.
The Battle of Yorktown
Battle of Yorktown
The British surrendering at Yorktown ended the fighting between the British and Revolutionary forces in America.
This was the last battle of the American Revolution as this is where the British surrendered.
the Battle of Yorktown was the last major battle of the American Revolution.
After the battle at Yorktown
You have the answer in your question. It was the battle of Yorktown.
david scrivz
Yorktown was the final battle between the colonists and the British. The British lost at Yorktown and were forced to flee the land giving the colonists their independence
The Battle of Yorktown
the british ...
The battle of Yorktown ended with the British losing and the french and Americans winning!
No they surrendered at the battle of yorktown
The British Empire.
British:" we suck!
they had the battle of yorktown because the americans wanted to end the war and beat the british one more time so the british surrender'd
Battle of Yorktown