Michelle Bachelet is the president of Chile. She served her first term of presidency from 2006 to 2010, and then was reelected in 2013.
Grover Cleveland He was first elected in 1885-1889, then Harrison was elected in 1889-1893, and Cleveland was then reelected to serve his second term in 1893-1897
John Adams succeeded the first president and so became the second president.
Abigial Adams was the second first lady of United States. She was married to America's first vice-president and second president John Adams.
Woodrow Wilson was the 28th president of the United States. He held office from March 4, 1913 until March 4, 1921.
Ronald Reagan was 69 when first elected President in 1980; he was 73 when elected to his second term of office.
Grover Cleavland
Richard Nixon was first elected President in 1968; he was reelected in 1972.
President Lincoln was first elected president on November 6, 1860 and reelected on November 8, 1864.
Michelle Bachelet is the president of Chile. She served her first term of presidency from 2006 to 2010, and then was reelected in 2013.
Barack Obama, first elected in 2008 and reelected in 2012, is the 44th President of the United States. The first American President was George Washington.
July 4th 1902.
The answer is no. He only continued Emilio Aguinaldo's leadership of the First Philippine Republic until his own capture.
No. She was President Obama's Secretary of State for his first term. The recently reelected Vice-President is Joe Biden.
Franklin Roosevelt won his first Presidential election in 1932. He won the next 3 elections in 1936, 1940 and 1944. He was the first President to serve more than 2 terms, which brought about the introduction and passage of the Twenty-Second Amendment that limits a President to two elected terms.
Under the constitution of 1899, the second president was Manuel L. Quezon, who served from 1935 to 1944 as head of the Commonwealth of the Philippines. The first president is considered to have been Emilio Aguinaldo, in the First (Malolos) Republic from 1899-1901.An unresolved bill in the Philippine Congress would recognize General Miguel Malvar as the second president of the First Republic, succeeding to the position in 1901 when Aguinaldo was captured and exiled by the American governate of the islands.