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Gabe Kshlerin

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Q: Who was the richest man in America in 1776?
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Who was the richest man in America until 1776?

George Washington

Is Michael Jackson The Richest Man in America?

No, the richest is Bill Gates

Who was the richest man in America in 1800?

Robert Morris

Who is richest man in America 2004?

Bill Gates, $77 billion dollars (estimated)

Is bill gates the riches man in the united stated?

yes he is the richest man in america

How long was Sam Walton the richest man in America?

15 years

Who is the richest man in the world 2008?

the latest ranking for the wold richest man is,warren buffet from the united state of america,is worth $62billion. the latest ranking for the wold richest man is,warren buffetfrom the united state of america,is worth $62billion. the latest ranking for the wold richest man is,warren buffet from the united state of america,is worth $62billion.

What state is the richest in America?

Maryland is the richest state in America. New Jersey is the second richest and Connecticut is the third richest in America.

Whose the richest man in America?

The Forbes list for November 2010 shows Mr. Bill Gates as the richest man in the United States with a Net Worth of 54 Billion Dollars.

How old was bill gates when he was considered one of the richest people in America?

in 2006 bhe was richest man in the world so figure out when he was born and u hav your answer

Who was the richest man or woman alive?

As of 2013, the richest man alive is Carlos Slim Helu from Mexico. He is an honorary chairman of America Movil, and he and his family share a net worth of over 73 billion USD.

Who is the richest man in the USA?

Bill Gates is the richest man in the U.S.A. and the second richest man in the world with about 63 billion dollars