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Q: Who was the us leader of the treaty of fort Laramie?
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Fort laramie treaty of 1868?

The Treaty of Fort Laramie, or the Sioux Treaty of 1868, was an treaty between the Lakota Nation and the US government signed in 1868. It was signed in Fort Laramie, which was in the Wyoming Territory. The agreement was that the Lakota would own the Black Hills, and other land, and also for the hunting rights in South Dakota, Wyoming, and Montana. This treaty has also ended Red Cloud's War. i do not no this answer and aperantly the guy who wrote all of that dont either....

What treaty between the US government and the plains Indians created a 3 million acre Indian reservation?

The Fort Laramie Treaty-

How did the US first try to end Indian attacks on wagon trains which crossed the Great Plains?

the fort laramie treaty was negotiated

How did the us first try to end the Indian attacks on wagon trains which crossed the great plains?

the fort laramie treaty was negotiated

Is it true that in exchange for the the right of us citizens to pass through the mountains the treaty of fort laramie provided compensation to native americans in the oregon territory?


How did Fort Laramie get to become a military post?

Fort Laramie started as a fur trading post named Fort William in 1834. In 1841, Fort William was replaced with a larger structure named Fort John. As the fur trade declined, Fort John became a post which catered to emigrants on the Oregon trail. In 1849, the US Army purchased Fort John and renamed it Fort Laramie. It became a military post and soon became the principal military outpost on the Northern Plains.

What is the importance of second treaty of fort Laramie and the medicine lodge treaty?

The second Treaty of Fort Laramie in 1868 helped establish peace between the United States and the Sioux tribes by defining tribal territories and allowing the tribes to continue their traditional ways of life. The Medicine Lodge Treaty in 1867 aimed to relocate Southern Plains Native American tribes to reservations in Indian Territory and establish peace, but ultimately failed to address underlying issues leading to conflicts. Both treaties highlight the complex relationships between Native Americans and the US government during westward expansion.

In 1868 the US and the Lakota tribe signed the Treaty of Fort Laramie which granted the Lakota ownership of the Black Hills in South Dakota and Wyoming. During the 1870s many settlers moved into the a?

When gold was discovered in the Black Hills the treaty was broken. Ft. Laramie was also the site of a trial and hanging of 38 Lakota Sioux warriors on December 24, 1861. This was the largest mass hanging in US history.

What happened when white settlers began pressuring the US government for more land in the Plains?

In 1851 the US government called the plains tribes together near Fort Laramie in present day Wyoming.Government officials wanted to buy back some Native American land and set boundaries for reservations- to protect settlers.Many of the Plains tribes signed the First Treaty of Fort Laramie, which sold tribal lands and set up reservationsCheyennes and Sioux resisted

What is The Treaty of Fort Harmar?

It was an agreement between the Native Americans and the US government. It was singed at Fort Harmar.

Did conflicts arise between the US government and the Plains Indians because the Indians wanted to live on reservation land and farm?

Yes, conflicts arose between the US government and the Plains Indians because the Indians wanted to live on reservation land and farm. In 1851, in the First Fort Laramie Treaty, the American government guaranteed the Plains Indians that they would be left alone in their reservations, but this treaty was not honored.

Who had to give up 23 million acres of land to the US?

Treaty of Fort Jackson