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Q: Who were the voters of 1828 election?
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Related questions

Why did the election of 1828 include many first-time voters?

It would help if you clarify what country you are talking about.

How did Jackson appeal to voters in his election of 1828?

He promised to look out for the common people and votes would be majority rule.

In the election of 1828 who provided support for the Andrew Jacksons election?

because he was a common man that's what voters thought ?

What do voters do on election day?

On election day voters vote for their local representatives.

What is an open primary election?

a primary election in which voters are not required to declare party affiliation

What two political parties faced of in election of 1828?

John Quincy Adams faced Andrew Jackson in the election of 1828.The Federalists and the Democrats.

What two political parties faced of the election of 1828?

John Quincy Adams faced Andrew Jackson in the election of 1828.The Federalists and the Democrats.

What political parties faced off in the election of 1828?

John Quincy Adams faced Andrew Jackson in the election of 1828.The Federalists and the Democrats.

What is the role of the voters in determining the outcome of the election?

A General Election allows voters to decide the next Government.

Who is the incumbent in the election of 1828?

- _- :-) michael jordan ?

Was Jackson a republican in the election of 1828?


How was Jackson victory in the election of 1828 a reflection of a change in Americans politics?

Andrew Jackson's 1828 victory signaled changes in who voters saw as their elected leader. Instead of thinking in terms of state and local control and seeing themselves represented by their Congressman, Jackson was for a strong Federal leader