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Al Gore in 2000 and Samuel J. Tilden in 1876.

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Q: Who won the popular vote but never became president?
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How and why did he became president of the US?

popular vote

What two presidents won the popular vote but were not elected?

Andrew Jackson was the only man who won the popular vote without being elected and later was elected president. Samuel Tilden and Al Gore won the popular vote but never became president.

Does the popular vote for president even matter?

There is never a need to calculate the total national popular vote, but every state plus D.C. uses the popular vote at the state level to determine which electors will be appointed.

Are presidents elected by popular vote?

No. Popular vote is just to see what the people like. It's the electoral votes that count.

How many times in the past has Hillary Clinton been elected president and not won the popular vote?

Hillary Clinton has never been elected president. She apparently won the popular vote in the recent 2016 presidential election.

1st US President not elected to office?

All have been elected in some format. When Washington became president there was no popular vote. Instead the men of Congress elected the president.

What role did the electoral college make in the 2000 election?

George Bush became president because of the vote in the electoral college, despite not winning a plurality of the popular vote

What year did George Washington run for president?

He became president in 1789. He really didn't "run" for it. The men who became president didn't have a popular vote in the 17-1800's. They were elected by Congress. The man with the most votes was president and the runner up in votes became VP. In 1789 no one could think of anyone else for the job but Washington .

How did Rutherford B. Hayes become president?

He won the popular and electoral vote. Actually he didn't win the popular vote and thought he had lost the election. In a nutshell, he became president when he was able to broker a "backroom" deal with the Democrats.

Who is the the presedant of the senate and when may the person vote?

Maryana Pinchuk is the president and will never vote as long as she/he is president . They will vote when they are not the president of the senate.

What is the difference between popular vote for a senator and electoral vote vote for president?

the popular vote is by everybody. the electoral vote is by electoral colleges, which not everyone is in

Why isn't the president chosen by popular vote?

The president of the United States is elected by electoral vote.