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Elie Wiesel wrote The Oath.

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Q: Who wrote the oath?
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Who wrote the oath for doctors?

Hippocrates wrote the hippocratic oath

'What is Hippocrates recognised for?

He wrote the Hippocratic oath.

Who wrote oath by Cher Lloyd?

Cher Lloyd

Who wrote the 1986 althletes oath?

ahmadid kumar in india

Who was the Greek Doctor Who wrote the oath doctors follow?

what is the name acient greek oath which is still followed by doctors today

What did Hippocrates write?

One book Hippocrates wrote was Hippocratic Oath.

Did Hippocrates write the hippocratic oath?

There is no evidence of Hippocrates writing the Hippocratic oath but the Hippocratic oath was most likely just named after Hippocrates such as many other things in medicine are named in Ancient Greek or Latin words.

Who wrote the oath of allegiance used in naturalization ceremonies?

It's not know who wrote it. But, according to website, it was first used in 1790.

Who wrote the code of behavior that doctors still follow today?

It's possible that you are referring to an ancient Greek called Hippocrates and he formulated what is knwn as the Hippocratic Oath that UK doctors have to take. Other countries may use it as well - I don't know.

Who wrote the poem the 1st time the sun rose on thine oath?

this web site dose not work this web site dose not work

How many books did Hippocrates write?

The Hippocratic Corpus may have been written by Hippocrates or his students.

Who discovered the cancer disease?

Records found in the tombs of Egyptian Pharohs are the earliest records known telling of cancer. Hippocrates (he wrote the Hippocratic Oath "...First, do no harm.."; known as the Father of Medicine) wrote about cancer as well.