The Continental Army was the military force of colonists and their supporters, led by Gen. George Washington, who fought for American independence from Britain during the Revolutionary War (1776-1781).
George Washington was chosen to be commander of the Continental Army.
the continental army is because sickness was spreading around.
The continental army of the Civil war was the army of the Continental United States. The main, and best (he won many battles) soldier was General George McClellan.
How did the second continental congress decide to finance their army
George Washington was a member of the continental army
the side of the colonies
he did not have a role.he was a patriot on the side of the continental army(ameircans)
The Continental Army.
George Washington was commander-in-chief of the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War against Britain.
Peter Salem was on the side of America. He was a slave who was granted his freedom to serve in the Continental Army.
Britain was an established army. The Continental Army was not.
he was the leader/commander of the Continental army
It's generally referred to as the Colonial Army or the Continental Army.
George Washington was chosen to be commander of the Continental Army.
The Continental Army was formed on June 14, 1775.
The Continental Army was formed on June 14, 1775. It was established by a resolution of the Continental Congress. The army was supported by local militias.
I am going with the Continental Army when they march. Most of the Continental Army disbanded when the Treaty of Paris ended the war.