Muslim candidates ARE allowed to run for president , provided they satisfy the constitutional requirements - whether a Muslim could be elected is another question.
Communal electrote in the simplest of the terms means voters divided on the basis of community. The communities can be different religions, different castes etc. The voters of each community say Mulsim voters are allowed to vote for Muslim representatives only. This means that Hindu voters will not be able to choose a representative among the Mulsim candidates. They can vote for candidates among Hindu candidates only. This kind of electorate ensures that all the communities find a suitable representation at the end.
The Muslim house of worship is a mosque.
The Karon (Karen) Is The Muslim Bible If You Are Muslim Then Shame On you they worship god only god
how could the countries of the muslim world have retained their independent status
18 candidates in which 11 candidates won.
Yes, there are Muslim mayors in the United States. The mayor of Teaneck New Jersey is a Muslim, for example. His deputy is an Orthodox Jew. Canada has also elected Muslim mayors. Calgary, Alberta recently elected a Muslim.
no it is not.
Shariah relates to Muslim daily life in that it is the reference for all Muslim behaviors, conduct, worships, and what is allowed and not allowed.
In all the Muslim states including Turkey, Muslim men are allowed to keep beards, keeping beard in Islam is a Sunnat.
Yes, it is allowed only if the non Muslim girl is Christian or Jew. Otherwise, it is not allowed. This is per Islam teachings.
No It is not allowed per islam rules for a Muslim girl to get married to an orthodox, Catholic, Jewish, or ;in general; to a non Muslim man. She is allowed to get married to only a Muslim man or to a Muslim convert man.
we are
Fighting between Gupta nobles allowed Muslim forces to successfully conquer parts of India.
No, shows have music and music is not allowed by the Muslim faith.
No, It is not allowed for a Muslim to see anyone naked (Muslim or non Muslim) except his/her partner per Islam licit marriage.