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The qualifications were put into place by the founding fathers when they wrote the Constitution and have not changed. I think they did not want to eliminate anybody who might be a good President. The voters add their own qualifications when they vote and there is a grueling campaign that tends to expose any weaknesses in a candidate. I wonder what qualifications you would like to add.

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Q: Why are there few formal qualifications to be the US president?
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What are the informal and formal qualifications for being US President?

The qualifications for being a US president are: 1. Must be 35 years of age. 2. Must have lived in the US for 14 years. 3. Must be a natural-born US citizen, meaning born on US soil OR born to parents who are US citizens.

Who determines qualifications for president?

The minimum qualifications are set by the US Constitution. The major parties and the voters decide the final qualifications.

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If she has the qualifications and the votes to be elected then, yes

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Every US citizen over the age of 35.

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Same as qualifications for president: 1. at least 35 years old 2. natural-born (NOT native-born) US citizen 3. live in the US for at least 14 years

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You have to be at least 35, citizen of the US for 14 years and American.

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Article II

What are the qualifications for President of the United states?

Candidates for president must be born in the US, be at least 35 years of age and have lived in the US for at least 14 years.

What are the qualifications of the president of the United states?

Candidates for president must be born in the US, be at least 35 years of age and have lived in the US for at least 14 years.

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The US president has no formal role in changing the Constitution. He does not even formally approve amendments that are proposed by Congress. Of course, he can lobby for an amendment if he wishes .

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The qualifications for President, including the age requirement, is spelled out in the Constitution, ratified in 1789.

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Abraham Lincoln was a lawyer who became a state legislator, then a Congressman before he became President.