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They weren't Americans at the time, they were subjects of the English Crown. Britain needed the money for expensive military equipment and as a source of income to the crown.

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Q: Why did England ask Americans to pay taxes?
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Why did the Revolutionary War happen?

The people of America were angry. The colonists did not like to pay high taxes to the King of England. They did not pay the taxes. The King of England sent an army to America. The army tried to make the colonists pay the taxes. The colonists wanted to be free from England. They started to fight the soldiers of the English army in 1775. The Americans started a war with England. We call it the Revolutionary War. George Washington was the leader of the American army. France helped the Americans during the War. The Americans won the war in 1783. They were free from England.

Do Americans have to pay taxes if they don't want to?

Yes, Americans have to pay taxes even if they don't want to.

Why should Americans pay federal taxes?

Taxes pay for roads, schools, and the military.

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Why is health care in the states not free?

Health care in England is paid for by Taxes. Most Americans would baulk at the taxes that Brits pay.CommentActually, we pay less for our National Health Service, through our taxes, than most Americans pay for their health insurance cover. So the cost is not an valid reason for not having a universal health care.

Does England pay property taxes?


D0es Canada pay taxes to England?


Why did the British American have to pay taxes?

The Americans had to pay taxes to the British because the British started the colonies to get profit from it.

Who did the colonists not want to pay the taxes to?

the king of England

What is the percentage of Americans that dot pay taxes?

the percent is 35%

What branch decides what taxes Americans must pay?


Which US citizens don't pay taxes?

Native Americans