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he beleived that his well trained soldiers could beat untrained patriot soldiers under any condition..

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Georgianna Rohan

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He believed his well-trained soldiers could beat untrained Patriot soldiers under any condition.

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Q: Why did William Howe order his men to make a frontal assault to broad daylight at the battle of bunker hill?
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What Confederate General planned the frontal assault at the Battle of Shiloh?

Reporting to commanding General Sidney S. Johnston, General Beauregard submitted his plan to Johnston for the frontal assault on Union troops at the Battle of Shiloh in April of 1862.

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At the Battle of Bunker Hill why did William for order his men to make a frontal assault in broad daylight?

he beleived that his well trained soldiers could beat untrained patriot soldiers under any condition..

What made the frontal assault by the Confederates at the Battle of Shiloh a near success?

The US Civil War provided numerous examples of how frontal assaults can be disasters in the wake of an entrenched enemy and the value of tactical defenses. However, at the Battle of Shiloh in April of 1862, the frontal assault by Confederate troops under the command of General Albert S. Sidney was a near success because he used the element of surprise. The battle was saved for the Union when reinforcements arrived before the dawn on April 8, 1862.

What was significant at the battle of fredericksburg?

The Battle of Fredericksburg was a prime example of how dangerous it was to make a frontal assault on a well entrenched enemy. In this battle, the Army of the Potomac, under its new commander, General Ambrose Burnside made repeated frontal assaults against well entrenched Southern infantry and artillery. Although this significant result was seen by everyone, frontal assaults continued throughout the war.

Why would military theorists not plan a frontal attack on Union forces at Pittsburg Landing in 1862?

Although the Confederates had caught Union General US Grant off guard at Pittsburg Landing on the morning of April 6, 1862, military theorists believe that Confederate General Albert S. Johnston's frontal assault was to risky. This assault was the beginning of the Battle of Shiloh.Even though Grant's army had its back to the Tennessee River, military historians, basing their opinions on the works of military theorists Clausewitz and Jomini, a frontal assault against an enemy army of equal strength with powerful reinforcements at hand would have counseled against Johnston's assault as being too risky.

Who won the battle of Federeicksburg?

Confederate General Robert E. Lee defeated the forces of Union General Burnside at the Battle of Fredericksburg. The defeat was due to the bad tactics of Burnside, who under the command of Lincoln, urged Burnside to begin a frontal assault. It was a disaster for the Union.

What did General in Chief US Grant say about his defeat at Cold Harbor in 1864?

General Grant was very candid about his defeat at the Battle of Cold Harbor in June of 1864. He had lost 7,000 men by ordering a frontal assault on the Confederate entrenched troops. Grant later wrote that this set back was the greatest regret he ever had regarding frontal assaults. He had believed that the assault was a necessity and that it would result in positive results. He said that no progress was made by the assault and the heavy losses were all in vain.

What is the prepositional object in they fought the battle in the daylight?

In is the Preposition; Daylight is its Object.

Who were the three Union generals in the initial assault at the Battle of Cold Harbor?

At the beginning of the Battle of Cold Harbor, General in Chief US Grant sent generals Winfred Hancock, Horatio Wright and William Smith and their respective corps in the initial assault against the Confederate fortifications at Cold Harbor.

Who were the leaders of the battle Bunker Hill?

The Americans leaders were: at Breed's Hill Col. William Prescott. At Bunker Hill Gen. Israel Putnam. The British leaders were: The general who ordered the assault: Thomas Gage. The general who carried out the assault: sir William Howe. The general who supported Howe after his assault was twice repulsed by reinforcing the British attacking forces by 400 fresh troops: sir Henry Clinton