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Hawks had the philosophy that if you go into a war, you go all out the way World War II was fought. They objected to the way Johnson was fighting the war, and wanted a massive bombing attack that could end the war immediately. They believed a war should be fought to win not lose, and that Johnsonâ??s cautious tactics were taking them down the road to defeat.

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Q: Why did hawks criticize the Johnson administrations policies in Vietnam?
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Why did hawks criticize the Johnson administration's policies?

The Vietnam War (under Johnson) was considered, "fighting with our hands tied", "fighting with one's hand tied behind his back", "not fighting to win", "fighting half-heartedly", "fighting with Political restraints", etc. Hawks wanted to INVADE North Vietnam and use NUCLEAR weapons if necessary, to WIN! Johnson relied on history & strategic thought: Red China's entry into the previous Korean War, because of a US invasion of North Korea; the potential threat of nuclear war from either the Soviet Union or Red China. The Vietnam War (under Johnson) was considered, "fighting with our hands tied", "fighting with one's hand tied behind his back", "not fighting to win", "fighting half-heartedly", "fighting with Political restraints", etc. Hawks wanted to INVADE North Vietnam and use NUCLEAR weapons if necessary, to WIN! Johnson relied on history & strategic thought: Red China's entry into the previous Korean War, because of a US invasion of North Korea; the potential threat of nuclear war from either the Soviet Union or Red China.

How did the Vietnam affect president Johnson great society?

The Vietnam War deflected people from the aims of his Great Society.

Why did opposition to the war affect Present Johnson?

Because VIETNAM sidetracked Johnson's REAL INTEREST..."His Great Society!"

To what degree was Johnson responsible for the tragedy of Vietnam?

Sent in US Regulars, and commenced the air war against North Vietnam.

Who was the US President during the Vietnam War in 1968?

Lyndon Johnson.

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What were the goal of The Eisenhower Kennedy and Johnson Administrations during Vietnam?

Communist containment.

Who was the president you had while the vitnam war?

The U.S. involvement in the Vietnam war stretched from the administrations of Kennedy through Ford. The majority of the War occurred during the Lyndon Johnson and Nixon administrations.

What guided president Johnson's policies in Vietnam?

His commitment to containing communism

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Robert McNamara, (Kennedy and Johnson Administrations). Clark Clifford, (Johnson Administration). Melvin Laird, (Nixon Administration).

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Credibility gap

Why did President Johnson believe that bipartisan congressional support was so important for his policies in Vietnam?

He didn't

This theory was the driving force behind the kennedy administrations actions in vietnam?

The Domino Theory was the driving force behind the Kennedy administrations actions in Vietnam.

Minnesota senator whose antiwar children's crusade helped force Johnson to alter his Vietnam policies?

Eugene J. McCarthy

What theory was the driving force behind the Kennedy administrations actions in Vietnam?

The Domino Theory

How did Lyndon Johnson involve the US further in Vietnam and what effect did this have on his domestic agenda?

lyndon B Johnson, the 36th President of the U.S., helped to escalate American involvement in Vietnam by sending more troops to war. This stimulated an anti-war movement and his domestic policies failed.

The conflict in Vietnam involved the administrations of how many US presidents?

Five presidents played a part in the conflict. Eisenhower started sending in military advisers. Then Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon and finally Gerald Ford got the US out of it.

Who promoted the entering of USA to the Vietnam War?

History indicates the administrations of President's Eisenhower and Kennedy.