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Q: Why did many slaves support the British?
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Why did native Americans give their support to british?

Because America had them as slaves

Who did black slaves support during the revolutionary war?

There were 20,000 Black slaves that served the British for their causes and 5,000 black slaves served the Continental Army.

How many slaves can slave owners have?

A slave owner can have as many slaves as they can afford to buy and support.

What part did the British have in slavery?

The British had a large part in slavery in that the many of the British people were purchasers of slaves. They also held slaves and farmed with slave labor.

How many slaves were the British able to transport to the Americas when the demand for slaves was the highest?


How many slaves were evacuated by the british during the revolution?


How many slaves did the British bring over?

Roughly 24%

How many slaves were there in the British empire?

Prior to the end of slavery in the British empire there may have been millions of slaves. The exact number may never be known.

Approximately how many slaves did British import to Americas during in the years 1601-1810?

The British imported approximately 12 million slaves to the Americas from 1601 to 1810.

Why were the slaves in the American revolution?

The British offered them freedom if they served with them. An interesting historical fact is that many slaves found freedom on ships.

How many slaves left with the British after the American Revolutionary War?

Estimates on the number of former Black slaves, African Americans, vary on this issue. One reliable source places the number of slaves leaving North America with the British at 3,000.

Why did many British did not support the war?

The British people didn't have the persuasion that this war was really big to Great Britain leaving them no choice but to not support the war