Because , he was a well known French engineer and architect
He designed the city of Washington DC.
Roman Catholic
The National Mall was included in the design for Washington, DC put forth by Pierre L'Enfant and finalized in the MacMillan Plan. The memorials on the mall have been added over time.
Edmond Genet, who was sent to the US in 1793.
Pierre de Fermat
he designed washington D.C.
why did president washington hire Pierre-Charles L'enfant?
Pierre Charles L'Enfant was the man who did the basic planning.
Because he was not obeying his rights (amendments)
Washington, D.C. is the official capital of the United States of America. The provision for its founding was written into the original Constitution, and its location was chosen by George Washington. It was planned by Andrew Ellicott with the help of several assistants.
Pierre Charles L'Enfant is renown for designing the street layouts for Washington, D.C.
albert einstanin did migrated and he is famoouse he is real :D
Pierre Charles L'Enfant was a French born, civil engineer who designed the plans of Federal City, now known as Washington, DC.
Pierre Charles L'Enfant created the original design for the city.
Pierre Charles L'Enfant was a French born, civil engineer who designed the plans of Federal City, now known as Washington, DC.
Pierre Charles Cior was born in 1769.
Gérard Pierre-Charles was born in 1935.