They were Englishmen. That was where their hometowns were. The ties were strong. But it was also because they considered themselves free Englishmen that they wouldn't stand for second-class treatment and had to break away.
They were originally from England and were accustomed to their ways, so they saw no reason to change sides. The British army was the greatest in the world. They had 48467 soldiers. Some colonists wanted England's protection and were afraid that if they were to separate from England they would get invaded.
The 'United Empire Loyalists' were those people who supported Britain during the American Revolution, and who wished to remain British subjects afterward by relocating to British Colonies, especially Nova Scotia and Upper Canada (which later became Ontario).
yes it loyalist
The europeans made sure the American colonists always had supplies and weapons to fight the british with. the europeans are responsible for our victory because we always had the essentials, while the british ended up running out of supplies
They do is that they say it is fair to listen to King George 3 and obey the Britain governments. They do is that they say it is fair to listen to King George 3 and obey the Britain governments.
Between 25% to 35% of the American colonists wanted to remain with British rule, rather than rebel. Some had successful businesses while others were more patriotic to Britain than the U.S. Many whose jobs were determined by trade wanted to remain loyalists , because if the revolution was successful they knew they would be out of a job.
During the American Revolution, a number of colonists wanted to remain loyal to Great Britain. Because of social pressure from many other Americans that wanted independence, many loyalists decided to move to British Canada.
the loyalists
Loyalists or Tories.
Neutral, I'm 100% sure since I looked up the answer!
The 'United Empire Loyalists' were those people who supported Britain during the American Revolution, and who wished to remain British subjects afterward by relocating to British Colonies, especially Nova Scotia and Upper Canada (which later became Ontario).
yes it loyalist
To the British, the rebellious American colonists were traitors. Having become accustomed to autonomy during the early 18th century, the colonists had developed a sense of communal nationalism that outweighed whatever loyalty they still felt to Great Britain. One famous American general who turned on his fellow colonists during the war was Benedict Arnold, and his name has become synonymous with betrayal.
Loyalists. They were loyal to the king.
Loyalists. They were loyal to the king.
The rich got richer and the poor got poorer. That social barrier seem to remain a constant.
The europeans made sure the American colonists always had supplies and weapons to fight the british with. the europeans are responsible for our victory because we always had the essentials, while the british ended up running out of supplies
Not necessarily. A loyalist was an American colonist who wanted to remain loyal to Great Britain.