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They were not sure how it could be done fairly, including congress.

i got this right because i got it from my textbook, and because my teacher told me.

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They did not benefit from the 'accumulation' of that debt or the decisions causing it, so why should they pay. An early expression of 'states-rights'.

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Q: Why did some states oppose hamiltons plan to repay the national debt?
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What was hamiltons plan to repay debt?

Youmad bro?

The swift adoption of the Bill of Rights in the years following ratification of the Constitution demonstrates the?

The inability of the united states to repay its debts

How did hamilton propose to repay?

Hamilton proposed an excise tax to repay the national debt by setting up a national bank. The opposition was that taxing was giving the federal government too much power and a National Bank was unconstitutional.

How did Hamilton propose to repay the national debt and what the response of the opposition?

Hamilton proposed an excise tax to repay the national debt by setting up a national bank. The opposition was that taxing was giving the federal government too much power and a National Bank was unconstitutional.

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What were 3 parts of Alexander hamiltons plan to repay the war debt?

Hamilton's three part plan was about creating economic stability. the three parts were: making the states willing to repay their debts in ordder to make them more attractive to foreign investors, creating a national bank to collect taxes and make loans, and to create high tariffs in order to keep foreign competition out. hope this helps. it's been a while since i took AP US History.

What was the only country to repay its World War 1 war debt to the United states?


What is one of the major problems caused by large national debt?

The problem with debt is you need to repay them. A large national debt would be detrimental to the future generations as they will bear higher tax burden to repay these debts. There are lesser benefits as well since portions of Government revenue will have to be allocated to return debts.

During the confederation period relations with France were strained because of what?

The inability of the United States to repay its debt.

What were the flaws of Articles of Confederation?

Flaws of the Articles of Confederation: Denied a centralized national government; it denied it the power to tax or to regulate trade, not only between the United States and other nations, but also between the states. The Articles of Confederation were meant to put States' Rights over the rights of the National GovernmentThe greatest flaw of the Articles of Confederation was that all the power belonged to the states. For example: the U.S. federal government had debts to repay but had no means of enforcing or raising taxes in the states. Furthermore the articles made it nearly impossible to amend the Articles themselves so no problems no matter how glaring could be fixed.

What were the flaws of the articles of confederation?

Flaws of the Articles of Confederation: Denied a centralized national government; it denied it the power to tax or to regulate trade, not only between the United States and other nations, but also between the states. The Articles of Confederation were meant to put States' Rights over the rights of the National GovernmentThe greatest flaw of the Articles of Confederation was that all the power belonged to the states. For example: the U.S. federal government had debts to repay but had no means of enforcing or raising taxes in the states. Furthermore the articles made it nearly impossible to amend the Articles themselves so no problems no matter how glaring could be fixed.

The swift adoption of the bill of rights in the year following ratification of the constitution demonstrates the?

The inability of the united states to repay its debts