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King Charles II gave the region that would become North Carolina to his friends, known as Lord Proprietors, as a gift. The Lord Proprietors offered freedom of religion to settlers and attracted a large number of Anglicans, Quakers, Presbyterians, Baptists, Lutherans and Methodists to the colony.

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for religious freedom for the separatists

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because Chuck Norris farted in Europe.

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Q: Why did the founders leave Europe to find Virginia?
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Where is Jeff Davis buried?

If you are asking about Jefferson Davis he is buried at Hollywood Cemetery in Richmond Virginia.

He gave a charter to the London company to settle the colony of Virginia?

Question: Author of the Vrginia Company of London? Answer: The answer to this question is King James I of England/Great Britain. You may also find the answer to this question by the popularly seached: "Who wrote the Charters of the Virginia Company of London". (That is answered by another user.)

What region did Europe focus on gold mining and rubber manufacturing?

There is no gold or rubber in Europe. Rubber comes from tropical regions and that is one reason they wanted to colonize tropical countries. Gold was another reason for colonies and exploring. Spain found gold in the southwest of North America and Germany found gold as well as diamonds in South Africa. They had to go out of Europe to find these things.

Who today could be compared to the founding fathers including women?

Some people that could be compared to a founding father are people who are very responsible, intelligent, are great leaders, and carry great ideas and principles. Some of these people are: Bill Gates, Connie Rice, Rush Limbaugh, George W. Bush, and General Schwartzkoff(a general in the gulf war) Some other great leaders or founding fathers that have passes recently are Martin Luther King Jr. and Ronald Reagan. We've drifted so far from the revolutionary spirit of that day, and government has grown so oppressively large, that nobody really comes to mind today who can compare with the Founders. Among prominent politicians, the only person who comes to mind is Ronald Reagan for his faith in the people and his small-r republican spirit. But even he presided over a government that the Founders would consider enormous. Among lesser-known figures, maybe Texas congressman Ron Paul. Among women? Ayn Rand, perhaps, though her anti-religion zeal wouldn't sit well with the Founders. The Libertarian Party as a whole captures the Founders' spirit fairly well, too, but not completely. In any event, the Founders would surely find our current and former president to be disgraces of the highest order.

Why did the founder King Charels 2 of England leave Europe to find the colony of South Carolina?

to trandsfer goodsEDIT:They TRANSFER goods. Not TRANDSFER... that's a really wierd way to spell it...Message:lol i know rite? who spelt it like dat anywayzz??

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To find new land.

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they left Europe to find ways out of misery in the place they came from

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you ar ecjkgjgkdfngjnf vn

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To look for glod

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they want freedom of belief

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For freedom of religion.

Why did th founders of New York leave Europe to find New York?

because they wanted to

Why did the founders leave to find South Carolina?

The founders were eight nobles with a royal charter from charles 2

Why did the founder of Virginia leave England to find Virginia?

they want to have more land

Why did the founders leave the safety and security of their homes in Europe to find the colony?

Because they are tired of their king telling them what religion they should practice so they became puritans. Also because they didn't wanted to get prosecuted because of that.

Why did the colonists leave to find Europe?

They didn't. They already knew where Europe was, that is where they came from.