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to prevent the abuse of power by any level of government

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Aliza Upton

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2y ago
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16y ago

Federalism and the federal system define the basic structure of American government. There were many disagreements at the Constitutional Convention. Many delegates feared a national government that was too strong and many delegates feared that states' rights would merely continue the weak form of government under the Articles. The Constitution created a federal system of government (federalism) as a compromise. Under federalism, power is shared and divided between national and state governments. Both levels have their own agencies and officials and directly affect the people. The Founding Fathers really had no other choice except federalism. The weak union created under the Articles would not work yet people did not want to give all the power to a national government. Federalism was the middle ground--compromise--a way to distribute authority between the states and the national government.

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15y ago

It was a sort of "united we stand, divided we fall" concept; the original 13 colonies which united to form the United States of America each felt that they were too small individually to survive an attack from a European power or even a colony of a European power. Federalism created the necessary unity.

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Q: Why did the framers of the Constitution choose Federalism as the form of government?
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The framers of the Constitution agreed that the president should be elected by the?

The constitution calls for the President to elected by electors from the states. It allows the state legislatures to decide how to choose its electors. Probably most of the framers expected the legislatures to elect the electors rather than holding a popular election to choose them.

What is the relationship between the principles of federalism and the sepAration of powers as suggested by montesquieu and detailed on the constitution?

Federalism divides power between the state and national governments. The separation of powers ensures that in both state and national government each branch of government is responsible for certain things and each branch of government balances each other.

What are features of federalism in India?

federalism is the best form in a country like india. here the power is divided into many sectors which make the rule easier.

How did European political philosophers influence the Framers of the US Constitution?

When the Framers read the works of John Locke and Baron De Montesquieu they agreed with Locke about the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness (although Locke wrote property instead of pursuit of happiness) and they agreed with Montesquieu about the separation of powers into three branches (Legislative, Executive, and Judicial).

What kind of government does the unites states have?

The Constitution establishes a federal democratic republic form of government. That is, we have an indivisible union of 50 sovereign States. It is a democracy because people govern themselves. It is representative because people choose elected officials by free and secret ballot.

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Why did farmers choose federalism?

The framers of the Constitution chose Federalism because they wanted both the Federal and State governments to have power. They wanted to ensure that no one group had all of the power.

Why was federalism chosen by the framers?

The framers choose federalism as their model as it seemed to suit most people. This was seen as the ideal structure that was able to balance freedom and order.

Why did the framers choose federalist system of government?

to prevent the abuse of power by any level of government

The framers of the Constitution agreed that the president should be elected by the?

The constitution calls for the President to elected by electors from the states. It allows the state legislatures to decide how to choose its electors. Probably most of the framers expected the legislatures to elect the electors rather than holding a popular election to choose them.

The Framers of the Constitution understood democracy and republic to mean different things Which concept did the Framers favored democracy or republic?

The Framers knew the direct and pure form of democracy and they feared that the emotional decisions taken by the populace; which is called unrestricted Majority Rule; may violate the individual rights. Therefore they chose the republic form of government in which the people choose individuals to represent them and transform their will into rational and reasonable decisions. after many amendment in the US constitution the government became a democratic republic.. or what we can call "representative or liberal democracy".A republic as opposed to a pure democracy

How did the framers bypass congress and state legislature in the process of ratifying the new constitution?

The framers were able to bypass congress and state legislature in the process of ratifying the new constitution because there are two methods of ratifying and they choose the one that bypasses congress. All they had to do is have the people vote on ratification and get a majority vote.

Is the idea that people of a state can choose the laws that best fit their need?

Federalism is the type of government where responsibilities are shared between the federal government and the states/regional governments. The Constitution, in Article VI, states that federal law is the "supreme law of the land". It is known as the supremacy clause. For a class of laws that afford more rights to citizens, then state laws may prevail if they do not contradict the constitution.

Is the idea that people of a state that can choose the laws that best fit their needs?

Federalism is the type of government where responsibilities are shared between the federal government and the states/regional governments. The Constitution, in Article VI, states that federal law is the "supreme law of the land". It is known as the supremacy clause. For a class of laws that afford more rights to citizens, then state laws may prevail if they do not contradict the constitution.

What is the idea that people of a state can choose the laws that best fits their needs?

Federalism is the type of government where responsibilities are shared between the federal government and the states/regional governments. The Constitution, in Article VI, states that federal law is the "supreme law of the land". It is known as the supremacy clause. For a class of laws that afford more rights to citizens, then state laws may prevail if they do not contradict the constitution.

Is the idea that people of a state can choose the laws that best fits their needs?

Federalism is the type of government where responsibilities are shared between the federal government and the states/regional governments. The Constitution, in Article VI, states that federal law is the "supreme law of the land". It is known as the supremacy clause. For a class of laws that afford more rights to citizens, then state laws may prevail if they do not contradict the constitution.

What is the idea that people of a state can choose the law that best fit their needs?

Federalism is the type of government where responsibilities are shared between the federal government and the states/regional governments. The Constitution, in Article VI, states that federal law is the "supreme law of the land". It is known as the supremacy clause. For a class of laws that afford more rights to citizens, then state laws may prevail if they do not contradict the constitution.

What is the relationship between the principles of federalism and the sepAration of powers as suggested by montesquieu and detailed on the constitution?

Federalism divides power between the state and national governments. The separation of powers ensures that in both state and national government each branch of government is responsible for certain things and each branch of government balances each other.