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The Navigation Act of (1650-1696) encouraged smuggling because the colonies did not want the king to get any of their goods so the smuggled more and more of the goods with out the king noticing.

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Q: Why did the navigation acts encourage smuggling?
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Explain why the navigation acts encouraged smuggling?

The Navigation Acts encouraged smuggling because there was no method of controlling it. The Dutch offered a much better deal to the colonists, thus making smuggling in Dutch imports and smuggling out exports to the Dutch very worthwhile.

How did some colonists get around navigation acts?

Some colonists resorted to smuggling in order to get around the Navigation Acts. They were a series of acts that restricted foreign shipping for trade between the colonies and England.

How did some colonists get around the Navigation Acts?

Some colonists resorted to smuggling in order to get around the Navigation Acts. They were a series of acts that restricted foreign shipping for trade between the colonies and England.

What is the activity that colonists engaged in to avoid navigation laws?

smuggling smuggling

What is true regarding the navigation acts by the eighteenth century?

The Navigation Acts that were developed by the 18th century restricted shipments to be sent between the colonies and Britain. In general, the colonists despised the acts and smuggling was rampant because they resented the additional duties on products like sugar, tobacco, and molasses.

How did colonists get around the navigations act?

Some colonists resorted to smuggling in order to get around the Navigation Acts. They were a series of acts that restricted foreign shipping for trade between the colonies and England.

What British law not enforced before 1763?

Navigation Act

Did England introduce the navigation acts to encourage the slave trade in the southern colonies?

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Who wrote the Navigation Acts?

The Navigation Acts were written by English Parliament. The acts were passed on October 9th, 1651. The Navigation Acts were eventually repealed in 1849.

When were the Navigation Acts passed?

the navigation acts were passed in 1660.

Which act legalized the use of writs of assistance?

The Navigation Acts first writs of assistance in the colonies to prevent smuggling. However, the power was abused at the whim of the writ holder which enraged the colonists.