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confederate ordered them to leave because they formed a new government and it was their territory

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Q: Why do you think the confederate government wanted all federal troops to leave the south?
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I think they wanted a more powerful government Maybe they also wanted a more powerful economy As far as I know Shays Rebellion just showed that the government under the articles of confederation was powerless because it gave states the power not the over all government. As a result of a powerless government, federal troops had trouble controlling the rebellion. Today we have the constitution which the federal government for power then the state government.

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The north wanted a federal government and the south wanted a state government

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The federalist wanted a strong Federal/Central government.

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If by "government" you mean "federal government" then they wanted the Congress to have the most power because it gave more power to states through direct representation. If by "government" you mean "any government in the United States", then they wanted the states to have more power, similarly to the Articles of Confederation, the States' rights movements of the 1800s, and later the Confederate States of America

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Delegates at the Constitutional Convention also wanted to divide power within the federal government.

Why did the state's originally create a confederate form of government?

They wanted to keep as much control as possible.

What were the recommendations Confederate President Jefferson Davis concerning the Confederate military requirements?

Confederate President Jefferson Davis was asked by the Confederate Congress what he believed were important military requirements. Davis wanted to increase the South's military forces by 300,000 troops and have fifty ironclads for harbor and river defense. He also wanted at least ten new raider warships to protect Confederate overseas commerce.

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The Anti-Federalist wanted to limit the Federal government strictly to what the powers the Constitution delegated to it.