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Q: Why do you think the public debt went up so significantly from 1812 to 1815?
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What were the inclusive years of the War of 1812?


The war of 1812 began in 1812 and ended in which year?


What year the war of 1812 end?

the war of 1812 obviously started 1812 and it ended 1815

Time of war of 1812?

June 18, 1812 - March 23, 1815

What year was the war of 1812 in?

Actually, it was from June 18, 1812 to March 23, 1815.

What was the last war against the British?

War of 1812 (June 1812 - February 1815)

What years did the war 1812 last?

1812-1815 That is 3 years in total that the war lasted for Just incase u were wondering about that which u should have been cause if u wern't wondering u woulf have not typed in this question and gotten this responce!!! :D The war lasted from the 18th June 1812 until 18th February 1815, a total of 32months. It was a military conflict between the United States, who declared war on Great Britain and her Empire. The outcome of this was a draw.

What was America the last war against the British?

War of 1812 (June 1812 - February 1815)

What was the last war fought against the British?

War of 1812 (June 1812 - February 1815)

What year did James Madison retire from president?

I don't know. But I think it was sometime after the war of 1812 so like 1815 probably.

Who were the presidents during the war of 1812?

James Madison. He was President from 1809 to 1817, and the War was 1812 to 1815.

Who was king in 1815?

In 1812 there was no king in France, but an emperor: Napoleon.