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If a small state has a larger population than a large state, then it gets more votes. Voting is based on population, not size.

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Q: Why does a small state have more votes than a large state?
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How does the number of electoral votes of a state affect Presidential campaining?

The candidate who wins the greatest number of popular votes in any state usually receives all of that state's electoral votes. To win the presidency, a candidate must pay special attention to those states with large populations. The larger the state's population, the more electoral votes it has.

How are electoral votes determined in the state of Ohio?

The electoral votes for each state are determined by the state's population. The higher the population, the more say, or electoral votes a state gets. The smaller the population, the state gets a smaller say.

What is the ratio for electoral votes?

The United States the House of Representatives has a total of 435 members which is based on the population of each state, the more people that live in a state the more members in the House of Representatives that state will have. In the Senate there are 100 Senators, 2 from each state. When we add these two numbers up it gets us to 535. Washington, D. C. is given 3 electoral votes as well. Add those 3 electoral votes to the 535 and we wind up with a total of 538 electoral votes. 269 votes is half, and 270 electoral votes is the majority and is what is needed to win the election.

How are the electoral votes in a astate distributed once the people cast their popular vote?

In Nebraska and Maine, whoever gets the most popular votes in each congressional district gets one vote. The other two votes per state go to whoever gets the most popular votes in the whole state. In each of the other 48 states and in D.C., whoever gets the most popular votes gets 100% of the electoral votes.

How does a candidate win electoral votes?

The candidate who gets the most popular votes wins that state's electoral votes in every state but Maine and Nebraska. In these states, the winner of each congressional district in the state gets one vote and the other two go to the overall winner. Winning the popular vote is a matter of convincing the voters in that state that you will do more them than will your opponent to deal with the matters that concern them. A position that wins votes in one state may lose votes in another, so campaign strategists try to figure out what positions will produce the most electoral votes.

Related questions

Who does the electoral college favor?

The Electoral College favors small states: every state, no matter how small, gets at least 3 electoral votes, so small states have more electoral votes per voter.

Do the states bordering your state generally have more or less votes than your state?

It depends, if the state is larger then generally that state would have more votes than your own state, but if it was smaller than most likely your state will have more votes

How does the number of electoral votes of a state affect Presidential campaining?

The candidate who wins the greatest number of popular votes in any state usually receives all of that state's electoral votes. To win the presidency, a candidate must pay special attention to those states with large populations. The larger the state's population, the more electoral votes it has.

What are the differences between the large and small wheel in Buddhism?

You should state more clearly about the large and small wheel.

Which state has more electoral votes Kansas or Pennsylvania?

Pennsylvania currently has more electoral votes with 20 electoral votes to Kansas' 6 electoral votes.

What state has the highest electoral votes?

California, with 55 electoral votes in 2012.

Why would big and small states argue over representation in congress?

Power. The more people in Congress the more power, so a large state because of it's population would have more votes and power. The House today is a perfect example of what happens when one group controls the process.

Which state will have more electoral votes Alaska or Michigan?

Michigan has more with 17 electoral votes. Alaska has the minimum, 3.

They have at least two electoral votes where are they?

Electoral votes are allocated to each state based on their representation in Congress, with each state receiving a minimum of three electoral votes. However, if you are referring to a specific region or state with only two electoral votes, it could be a smaller state like Montana or Wyoming, which have one at-large representative in addition to their two senators.

Did Virginia have more votes than Rhode Island in the confederation congress?

The number of electoral votes for each state is equal to the sum of its number of Senators and its number of Representatives in the U.S. House of Representatives. Based on the 2010 Census, there are 11 members of the U.S. House of Representatives from Virginia and 2 members of the U.S. House of Representatives from Rhode Island. Therefore, Virginia has 13 electoral votes and Rhode Island has 4 electoral votes .

How does a presidential candidate win the presidential election?

People vote for a candidate. Each state has a given number of electoral votes. Win the state, get the votes from that state. Get more votes than your opponent, and you have been elected.

Which State gets more votes than California?

There is no such state. California is the most populated state in the US.