"In 1929, when the small notes used as currency first came to print, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing continued using the color green, the color used due to the nickname ""greenbacks"", non interest bearing Demand Notes, our earliest version of money, during the Civil War."
C Green and stop asking dumb questions
why was early American currency a mixture of forms of money
Green (pretty sure)
What is Rutherford B. Hayes favorite color?
black, green, white, and gray
Green because money is green.
The film was called "The Hustler."The color of money varies from country to country. In the United States, paper money is green.
Green Because on traffic lights there's red and green as the opposite.
First off it's What color is money and second money in bills in the us is green
The color green is often associated with money because it is the color of U.S. currency. This association has led to the color green symbolizing wealth, prosperity, and financial success in many cultures.
James Madison's favorite color was green due to the fact that he decided that paper money would be green.
A common item between ships, soldiers, and American money is the olive drab coloring. The color used on Army ships, on Army soldier uniforms, and on American money is a similar green coloring.
Green-the color of money
slang for American money