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1. Because they are your parents and they brought you into this world.

2. When you were young and helpless, they took care of you, protected you, comforted you, and loved you unconditionally.

3. When you were older they taught you things, they took you places, they answered your many questions, and they tried to make sure that you had some fun in life as you were learning about the world. They took you to play sports or to dance lessons, and cheered proudly when you were competing. When you made mistakes, they forgave you and tried to teach you how to not repeat those mistakes. They also took care of you, protected you, comforted you, and loved you unconditionally.

4. When you were a teenager, and you did not think that you needed them as much (if at all), they provided for you, helped you with your homework, and bought you things that made no logical sense to them but made you happy. They still taught you things, even when you thought that you already knew the answers, because they had once been teenagers, too. They took you places, and let you go some places on your own or with your friends, because as much as they wanted to be with you, they knew that you needed to learn how to be out in the world on your own. They asked you questions about your life and activities, because you were now sharing that information more easily with your friends than with them. They answered your questions, and understood that many times you disregarded their answers, and ended up learning the answer the hard way. They hoped that you had some fun in life as you were expanding your horizons, and wanted you to be safe and to live a long life. When you made mistakes, they forgave you and tried to teach you how to not repeat those mistakes. When you said hurtful things to them to show them how mature you were, they did their best not show you how much what you had said had hurt their feelings, and forgave you a lot more quickly, and easier, than they would have if one of their peers had done it to them. They also took care of you, protected you, comforted you, and loved you unconditionally.

5. When you were a young adult, out on your own, and you thought that the world was yours to take, they were there for you, just in case you stumbled. You did many things without them, and talked with them less and less. They missed seeing you daily, talking with you regularly, and being the center of your life. When you did visit them, or talk with them on the telephone, regardless of what was going on in your life or theirs, they were happy to see you, talk with you, and be a part of your life. They still helped teach you things, even when you thought that you already knew the answers, because they had once been young adults, out on their own. Sometimes you went to places with them, which gave them a chance to be proud of their now adult child (even if they weren't waving a banner and cheering like when you were thirteen and scored a goal in soccer, they were still proud). They answered your questions, and were secretly pleased that you started accepting their answers again, because now you were realizing how hard life can be sometimes, and that some wisdom and advice may actually help you to face it better. They hoped that you had some fun in life, success in your career, and found friendship and love. When you made mistakes, they supported you in your efforts to deal with consequences, and tried to teach you how to not repeat those mistakes. If you needed care, protection, or comfort, they were there for you, still loving you unconditionally.

6. Later in your life, as you dealt with your own family issues, they were there to show you support when you needed it, they welcomed your spouse into their hearts, and loved your children unconditionally. And even though you were now a parent, and you were in charge, you finally realized that, although times had changed, many things never did, and the love and care that your parents gave you through your life was one of the many reasons you respected and loved your parents as much as you now did. Then one day they were both gone, and you realized how much that you missed them, and regretted not showing them as much of your love and respect that they deserved, when you were younger.

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14y ago
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14y ago

They lead you...they are you teacher to get through life. If you didn't have anyone looking out for you your life would be hard to get through. Its good to bond with parents, they help you in the tough times and the good times. No matter what they are there for you! :D

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15y ago

because respect is a wha to live you need to because your parents are in charge of you and they brought you into this world they are the ones who fed and lovvvved you do not have an atitude with them" you parent'

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14y ago

It is VERY important to obey your parents! Even though you think they hate you or are just telling you to do stuff (or not do it) because they want you to, its because they care. They want you to do or not do things they wish they had or hadn't done. They really do love you!!! Believe me!

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14y ago

it is important to be polite to your parents because if you aren't you will not have a good life with them and they will not treat you nicely back.

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12y ago

because they gave birth to you and formed you life

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