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Anyone can write, draft a bill. But only a member of congress can sponsor the bill. The bill must be sponsored by a member before it can go to the floor for debate.

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Q: Why is it that only a member of congress can porpose and introduce a bill into the congress in either the house of representatives and or the senate?
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Which US members can be sued for statements made while attending a session?

No member of the Senate or the House or Representatives may be sued for any statements made during session. The reason for this is to prevent intimdation from any opposition or a possibly hostile Judiciary.

How did the people who wrote the Constitution decide to have two houses in Congress?

After failing to agree on either the Virginia Plan or the New Jersey Plan, the writers of the Constitution adopted the "Great Compromise" of the Connecticut plan, which established two separate houses of Congress. One, the Senate, shared power equally among the states. The other, the House of Representatives, gave increased voting power to states that had a higher population.

Who passes bill in the US?

A bill can be proposed in either house of Congress (the Senate or the House of Representatives). It is voted on in the house in which it is proposed; if it passes, it is sent to the other chamber of Congress, where it can be edited, amended, and voted on. If it is passed in the second house of Congress, then it is sent back to the first house to approve any changes that are made. If there are significant differences, sometimes a committee is formed between the two houses to iron these out. Once the bill has been approved in identical forms in both houses of Congress, it is sent to the President. If he signs it, it becomes law; if he vetoes it, it is sent back to the house of Congress where it originated. If it passes by a 2/3 vote in each house, then it becomes law without the president's signature.

What kind of session can the president call?

Yes, the President has the power to call Congress back into session after they have voted to adjourn in order to consider some pressing matter. He can also call just the Senate back to consider a treaty of appointment he makes. This power is granted under Article II, Section 3, clause 2. The constitution says that the president can convene congress under extraordinary circumstances for as long as he sees fit. Special sessions were called fairly often before the Senate and House began meeting for most of the year, but has only occurred four times since the 20th Amendment was ratified. The 20th Amendment calls for the first session of Congress to begin on January 3 each year. In recent years, the Senate and House have been authorized to call their own special sessions after Congress adjourns.

Who passes laws about education?

I'm not sure either congress or the board of education I think.

Related questions

Who may introduce U.S. bills?

Anyone can initiate an idea for a bill, but only a member of Congress can introduce the bill. Public and private bills may be introduced in either the House of Representatives or the Senate. Bills that raise revenue can only originate in the House of Representatives as per the Constitution. Most bills begin as companion bills in both houses.

What is the first step in the legislative process How a bill become a law?

The first step is to for a member of one of Houses of Congress to introduce it for consideration. Revenue bills must be introduced in the House of Representatives.

Who is in charge of the legislators?

The Congress, House of Representatives, and Senate..... Either of those would work

Who is in charge of the Legislative branch?

The Congress, House of Representatives, and Senate..... Either of those would work

Who are Bills introduced in the senate by who?

Bills in the senate can only be introduced by Senators. Bills in the House of Representatives can only be introduced by representatives. No-one else can introduce bills in either house.

Bills are introduced in the senate by who?

Bills in the senate can only be introduced by Senators. Bills in the House of Representatives can only be introduced by representatives. No-one else can introduce bills in either house.

What is it called when you're a member of congress?

Congressman or congresswoman. Congress "persons" can be either senators or representatives, depending on whether they were elected to the Senate or House respectively.

A new bill may be introduced......A either the house of representatives or the senate B only in the house of representatives C only in the senate?

The Senate NEVER has the exclusive right to introduce legislation. The House of Representatives has the exclusive right to introduce legislation on bills regarding the raising, and spending, of money (e.g. the yearly federal budget, and laws about adjusting taxes). If it is not about money, both houses can introduce it at their own whim.

Is a congress member the same as a senator?

In congress, there are two branches: the House of Representatives and the Senate. A Senator is a member of the senate. A congressman is referring that he/she is part of either the House or the Senate.

How many times can a representative be elected?

A representative to the US Congress (either to the House of Representatives or the Senate) has no restriction on the number of times they can be elected.

Which house of congress has the right to initiate legislation?

Either house can initiate most legislation, but only the House of Representatives can initiate legislation for generating revenue.

Are well over half the members of either Congress and US representatives lawyers?

it would be a good bet since both congress and the senate are true crooks and horrors ie can be bought off with anything for their vote!