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Pottery is one of the most common pieces found as dishes of all sort were among the most commonly used articles within any society. Retrieving water, holding food, any number of reasons were used for creating pottery.

This of course pertains to excavations of ancient ruins and tombs.

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It tells them about the culture of past civilizations.

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Q: Why is pottery important to archaeologists?
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How do you make a sentence with the word pottery?

Pottery is a excellent way archaeologists study the ancient Earth.

What was the main use of greek pottery?

One of the most common artifacts of ancient Greek culture is pottery. Greek pottery was an important commodity, or traded product the ancient world. Pottery was used to store & protect foods such as wine or grain on long voyages. Pottery was also collected as a work of art. Several styles of pottery had emerged by 500 B.C., & each was special to a city or region. Thousands of pieces of Greek pottery have been found by archaeologists. Archaeologists trace these artifacts to understand Greek trade routs & trading partners.

What do archaeology find?

Archaeologists find old pottery, features such as fire pits. Archaeologists are looking at human past and culture through human deposits.

Examples of artifacts studied by archaeologist are?

Artifacts studied by archaeologists can include tools, pottery, jewelry, weapons, and art. These items provide insights into past societies' technology, culture, social structures, and beliefs. By examining artifacts, archaeologists can reconstruct and understand aspects of ancient civilizations.

What are pottery fragments?

Pottery fragments are broken pieces of pottery or ceramics that have been found at archaeological sites. These fragments can provide valuable information about the culture, technology, and trade of the people who created them. Archaeologists use pottery fragments to date sites and reconstruct ancient pottery-making techniques.

What man made objects are studied by archaeologists?

Archaeologists study a wide variety of man-made objects, including tools, pottery, jewelry, buildings, weapons, artwork, and artifacts from daily life. These objects help archaeologists understand past human behavior, societies, and cultures.

What are scientists who study human artifacts to learn about past cultures?

They are archaeologists. They analyze artifacts such as tools, pottery, and structures to understand the lifestyles and behaviors of ancient peoples. By studying these remnants of past societies, archaeologists can reconstruct aspects of their daily lives, customs, and technologies.

Do archaeologists use microscopes?

Yes, archaeologists often use microscopes to examine small artifacts such as pottery shards, bones, and tools. Microscopes help archaeologists to analyze these objects at a microscopic level, revealing details that may not be visible to the naked eye and providing valuable information about past human activities.

Why is it important for archaeologists for kids?

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Why are fossils so important to archaeologists?

Archaeologists use fossils to scan the way of living of the past people.

What are five artifacts found by the archaeologists from the Lasalle?

Clovis spear points Bison bone tools Shell beads Pottery fragments Burial mounds

What kind of scientists study artifacts and ruins from past civilizations?

Archaeologists are the scientists who study artifacts and ruins from past civilizations. They analyze material remains, such as pottery, tools, and buildings, to understand ancient societies, their cultures, and their development over time. Archaeologists also use various techniques to date and interpret these artifacts to reconstruct the past.